aair Lite

Small in Size
High Filtration Efficacy H13


aair 3in1 Pro

Seamlessly Sealed with
Excellence in Filtration Performance H13



Indoor Air Quality Consultation

Provide total air treatment solution to customers with ventilation assessment services, consultancy services of licensing and certificate, and formulate improvement plans.

Ventilation Inspection and Certification

Detect indoor air index parameters, including: respirable suspended particulates (RSP), carbon dioxide (CO2), total volatile organic compounds (TVOC), etc.

Environmental Cleaning and Disinfection

Provide professional environmental cleaning and disinfection service, and we are capable to furnish high-quality services for various industries.

Formaldehyde Removal

Use only natural materials to decompose formaldehyde and eliminate harmful contaminants and odours effectively.

Application by Business Sector


Elderly Care Home

Fitness Centre


Commercial Premises

Religious Premises

Hospitals / Clinics

Hotel / Clubhouse

Contact Us

IAQ Centre

Unit 1208, 12/F, Tower 2, One North, No. 8 Hong Yip Street, Yuen Long, N.T., Hong Kong

(852) 2475 9875